Out-of-the-box Models
The content repository comprises several content models out of the box for specifying the core content types of an ECM system
- DictionaryModel.xml - provides definitions for the fundamental data types, such as d:text and d:boolean. It exposes the namespace URI www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0 with prefix d.
- Data-Types are:
- d:text java.lang.String
- d:mltext org.alfresco.service.cmr.respository.MLText - possible for one node add multiple language
- d:int java.lang.Integer
- d:long java.lang.Long
- d:float java.lang.Float
- d:qname org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName
- d:date java.util.Date
- d:datetime java.util.Date
- d:path org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.Path
- d:noderef org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef
- d:any java.lang.Object
- d:version org.alfresco.utill.VersionNumber
- d:period org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.Period
- System model - (systemModel.xml) provides definitions for types used by the implementation of the content repository, such as sys:base, sys:root, and sys:reference.
- Types are:
- <type name="sys:deleted">...</type>
- <type name="sys:base">...</type>
- <type name="sys:descriptor">...</type>
- <type name="sys:container">...</type>
- <type name="sys:store_root">...</type>
- <type name="sys:reference">...</type>
- ECM domain model - (contentModel.xml) provides definitions for types influenced by the CMIS and JCR standards, such as cm:folder, cm:content, cm:versionable, and cm:auditable.
- Types are:
- <type name="cm:cmobject">...</type>
- <type name="cm:folder">...</type>
- <type name="cm:content">...</type>
- <type name="cm:dictionaryModel">...</type>
- <type name="cm:link">...</type>
- <type name="cm:savedquery">...</type>
- <type name="cm:systemfolder">...</type>
- <type name="cm:authority">...</type>
- <type name="cm:person">...</type>
- <type name="cm:authorityContainer">...</type>
- <type name="cm:zone">...</type>
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