Call javascript webscript from contoller

1. Create file at location - /source/web/components/documentlibrary/any-action.js
var nodeRef = record.node.linkedNode.nodeRef.replace(":/", "");
var me = this;
url: Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + "api/extensions/getPath/" + nodeRef,
method: Alfresco.util.Ajax.GET,
requestContentType: Alfresco.util.Ajax.JSON,
fn: function changePath(response)
if (response.json !== undefined)
var json = response.json;
var displayPath = json.displayPath;
var nodeRef = record.node.linkedNode.nodeRef;
var name =["cm:name"];
var pathInfo = displayPath.match("\/Sites\/([^\/]*)\/");                 
scope: me

2. Create file at location:
   <shortname>Get Display Path</shortname>
   <description>Get the display path for a node</description>
   <format default="json"/>

3. Create file at location:
model.nodeRef = url.templateArgs.item_store_type;
model.nodeRef = model.nodeRef + "://" + url.templateArgs.item_store_id;
model.nodeRef = model.nodeRef + "/" + url.templateArgs.item_id;
var node = search.findNode(model.nodeRef);
if(node!=null) model.displayPath = node.displayPath;
else model.displayPath = null;

4. Create file at location:
      "displayPath": "${displayPath}"


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